the older i get吉他弹唱教学

the older we get

the older i get吉他弹唱教学_the older we get

看电影《赖家王老五》(failure to launch)的时候听到其中有一首很好听 —— us to get things rights I don't know, where to go,nothing is clear to me how could i be so blind i'm done with wasting my time Everything is alright not feeling myself just give me some time seems the older i get the more i forget my heart will survive (x2)此曲目

。。大家推荐点吉他弹唱的英文歌吧。 —— 绛旓細country road john denver Country Road 涔℃潙涔嬭矾 Almost heaven West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountain Shenandoah River Life is old there Older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growing like a breeze Country road, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama Take me

姹備埂鏉戣矾甯︽垜鍥炲寮瑰敱鍚変粬鍥捐氨~ —— 绛旓細1) Almost heaven, West Virginia,2) All my mem鈥檙ies, gather round her,D C G 1) Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River.2) miner鈥檚 lady, stranger to blue water.Em 1) Life is old there, older than the trees,2) Dark and dusty, painted on the sky,D 1

never grow up原版个人弹唱吉他谱,六线谱的那种,个人弹唱的那个版本 —— 绛旓細D A Bm A Your little hands wrapped around my finger G A And it's so quiet in the world tonight D A Your little eyelids Bm A Flutter cause you're dreaming G So I tuck you in A Turn on your favorite night light G Bm To you, everything's funny G

我想要《country road take me home》这首歌的吉他弹唱谱 —— jitapu 另外教你一招,你可以在BAIDU直接搜索图片,比如 Country road 吉他谱就能搜索到拉!

country road take me home涓嫳瀵圭収姝岃瘝 —— Life is old there,Older than the trees 古老的生命,比树龄更久远 Younger than the mountains,Growing like a breeze 比群山年轻,象和风一样慢慢生长 Country roads, take me home 乡村路,带我回家 To the place I belong 带我落叶归根 West Virginia, Mountain Mama 西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈 Take